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33 Beautiful Yellow Flowers for Your Garden

Yellow is an attention-grabbing color that makes a cheerful statement in the landscape. Use these beautiful yellow flowers to liven up your beds, borders and containers.

Contributors: Janet Loughrey


yellow petunia1. Petunia

Supertunia® Limoncello® Petunia

Buttery yellow trumpet-shaped flowers bloom nonstop from planting until frost. Use this easy-to-grow annual in hanging baskets or window boxes, mass as a bedding plant or cascade along a wall or slope.

Hardy in zones 10-11, part sun to sun, 6-12” tall

yellow calibrachoa

2. Calibrachoa 

Superbells® Lemon Slice® Calibrachoa

Unique pinwheel flowers in yellow and white make a striking addition to containers and hanging baskets. Combine with other bold annuals for a punch of color all season long. Carefree, needs no deadheading.

Hardy in zones 9-11, part sun to sun, 6-12” tall

yellow sunflower3. Sunflower

Suncredible® Yellow Helianthus

Nothing says summer like the golden blooms of annual sunflowers. This compact variety flowers for longer than other types. Plant in a kitchen garden or cottage-style border to attract pollinators. Birds will love it, too.

Hardy in zones 9-11, full sun, 2-3’ tall, deer resistant

yellow African daisy4. African Daisy

Bright Lights Yellow Osteospermum

These sunny yellow annual flowers bloom in the cooler months. Combine with heat lovers for continuous color all season long. Versatile in containers or the landscape.

Hardy in zones 9-11, part sun to sun, 8-12” tall, deer and rabbit resistant

yellow wishbone flower5. Wishbone Flower

Catalina® Gilded Grape Torenia

Wishbone flower is useful for challenging shady spots, as well as containers, hanging baskets and window boxes. This annual’s yellow flowers with purple throats offer continuous bloom from summer to frost.

Hardy in zones 10-11, sun or shade, 8-16” tall

yellow begonia6. Begonia

Double Delight® Primrose Begonia

This popular annual is ideal for hanging baskets and window boxes. Lightly scented double flowers of soft yellow and apricot bloom throughout summer.

Hardy in zones 9-11, part sun to sun, 8-14” tall

yellow strawflower7. Strawflower

Flambe® Yellow Chrysocephalum

Also known as common everlasting, this groundcover is tolerant of heat, drought and poor soils. Clusters of small yellow flowers bloom from planting until frost. Use in rock gardens, mass plantings and containers.

Hardy in zones 9-10, full sun, 8-14” tall, deer resistant

yellow daisy8. Marguerite Daisy

Golden Butterfly® Argyranthemum

This heat-tolerant annual has beautiful flowers that bloom continuously through summer. Use in containers, mass plantings or as border edging.

Hardy in zones 10-11, part sun to sun, 18-36” tall

yellow groundcover flower9. Mecardonia

GoldDust® Mecardonia

This groundcover creates a colorful carpet all summer. It has textured foliage with petite snapdragon-like yellow flowers that don’t need deadheading. Cascade over a wall, mass as a bedding plant or grow in hanging baskets.

Hardy in zones 10-11, full sun, 2-5” tall

gold flowers10. Bidens

Goldilocks Rocks® Bidens

Golden daisy-like flowers grow 3 inches across, the largest of any bidens. Provides nonstop color from early summer until frost. Combine with other plants in a hanging basket or container. Heat and drought-tolerant.

Hardy in zones 9-11, full sun, 8-14” tall

11. English Marigold

Lady Godiva® Yellow Calendula

Also known as pot marigold, these big yellow flowers with double petals will liven up any border or container. This short-lived perennial is mostly grown as an annual and its edible petals can be added to salads and other dishes.

Hardy in zones 7-11, par sun to sun, 10-16” tall

black eyed Susan vine12. Black-Eyed Susan Vine

Lemon A-Peel® Thunbergia

Charming five-petaled flowers are sunny yellow with a dark center. This vigorous vine can be used to quickly cover an arbor, trellis or fence.

Hardy in zones 10-11, part sun to sun, 5-8’ tall

yellow lantana flowers13. Lantana

Luscious® Bananarama® Lantana

Grown as an annual in most regions, this plant has clusters of bright yellow flowers all season. Use in landscape beds or containers as a stand-alone accent or combine with complementary plants. Heat and drought-tolerant.

Hardy in zones 9-11, full sun, 20-30” tall, deer resistant

yellow flowering groundcover14. Purslane

Mojave® Yellow Portulaca

A popular groundcover, purslane is suitable for rock gardens, walls and challenging sites. Large rose-like flowers on this tough succulent are captivating on their own or when combined with other waterwise plants.

Hardy in zones 10-11, full sun, 4-8” tall, deer resistant

yellow dahlia15. Dahlia

‘Mystic Illusion’ Dahlia

This warm-season annual grown from tubers blooms nonstop from mid-summer until frost. Lemony yellow flowers with a burgundy-red center stand out against dark purple foliage. Grow in a large container or border and save tubers to replant the following year.

Hardy in zones 8-11, full sun, 18-36” tall

yellow zinnia16. Creeping Zinnia

Sunbini® Sanvitalia

This creeping groundcover produces yellow flowers that look like tiny daisies. Use these cheerful blooms to brighten up a window box, container or border. Heat tolerant with self-cleaning blooms from summer through frost.

Hardy in zones 9-11, part sun to sun, 6-12” tall 

light yellow flowers17. Nemesia

Sunsatia® Lemon Nemesia

Little light yellow flowers bloom in profuse clusters in all but the hottest weather. Use this bushy annual in window boxes or containers with other plants, or plant in the landscape as a groundcover or pathway edging.

Hardy in zones 10-11, part sun to sun, 6-10” tall

yellow canna lily18. Canna Lily

Toucan® Yellow Canna

Add tropical flair with this heat-lover featuring exotic yellow flowers on tall stalks. Bold foliage adds drama to containers or mixed borders. Overwinter rhizomes indoors to replant the following spring.

Hardy in zones 8-11, part sun to sun, 30-48” tall, deer resistant

You can also try calla lilies with yellow flowers. Learn more about growing calla lilies on 


yellow shasta daisy19. Shasta Daisy

Amazing Daisies® ‘Banana Cream II’ Leucanthemum

A modern twist on a cottage garden favorite, lemony-yellow flowers open to creamy white. This is an improved form of ‘Banana Cream’, with more flower buds, earlier bloom time and a more appealing growth habit. Use in containers or to edge beds and borders.

Hardy in zones 5-9, full sun, 20-24” tall

Learn more about growing Shasta daisy flowers. 

yellow bottle rocket20. Ligularia

‘Bottle Rocket’ Ligularia

Stately spikes of rich buttery flowers brighten up the landscape in mid summer. Use this perennial to light up a shady border, streamside garden or boggy areas. Bold serrated foliage provides multi-seasonal interest.

Hardy in zones 4-9, part shade to shade, 28-34” tall, deer resistant

yellow coneflower21. Coneflower

Color Coded® ‘Yellow My Darling’ Echinacea

This tough perennial produces sunny rays of flowers that age to creamy yellow. Plant this wildlife-friendly native in a mixed border or bed and leave the seedheads as food for birds.

Hardy in zones 4-8, part sun to sun, 18-24” tall, deer resistant 

yellow perennial flowers22. False Indigo

Decadence® ‘Lemon Meringue’ Baptisia

Tall yellow flowers on this sturdy native perennial add height and elegance to a mixed border or garden bed. Pea-like blooms occur on long stems from late spring to early summer. Tolerant of poor soils and extremely long-lived.

Hardy in zones 4-9, part sun to sun, 3’ tall, deer resistant

yellow yarrow23. Yarrow

‘Firefly Sunshine’ Achillea

Dark green ferny foliage contrasts with clusters of tiny bright yellow flowers on long sturdy stems. This long-lived cottage garden staple provides lasting color in the summer garden. Tolerant of drought and various growing conditions.

Hardy in zones 3-8, full sun, 28-30” tall, deer and rabbit resistant

yellow flower spike24. Red Hot Poker

Pyromania® ‘Solar Flare’ Kniphofia

Towering spikes of golden yellow flowers add vertical drama to an informal border or curbside planting. This reliable perennial is tolerant of heat, drought and poor soils. Blooms continuously all summer long.

Hardy in zones 5-9, full sun, 36-42” tall, deer and rabbit resistant

Learn more about growing red hot poker plants. 


yellow daylily25. Daylily

Rainbow Rhythm® ‘Going Bananas’ Hemerocallis

One of the best reblooming daylilies, fragrant lemony flowers add a ray of sunshine to a border, bed or slope. These long-lived carefree plants are tolerant of various soil conditions and are reliable in most growing regions.

Hardy in zones 3-9, part sun to sun, 19-22” tall, rabbit resistant

yellow sedum26. Stonecrop

Rock ‘N Low ‘Boogie Woogie’ Sedum

Sedums are good plants for rockeries, sunny borders and waterwise landscapes. Yellow summer flowers pop against a backdrop of cream and green variegated foliage. Thrives in poor soil and needs little additional water. Use as a groundcover, in containers or as edging in areas with good drainage.

Hardy in zones 3-9, full sun, 6-8” tall, rabbit resistant

yellow heliopsis27. Perennial Sunflower

‘Tuscan Sun’ Heliopsis

The most compact heliopsis available, this variety is more controlled and well-suited to smaller spaces. Yellow perennial flowers occur from mid to late summer, supporting insect pollinators including bees and butterflies. Use in a mixed border or mass plantings.

Hardy in zones 3-9, full sun, 2-3’ tall, deer resistant


yellow flowering shrubs28. St. John’s Wort

Blues Festival® Hypericum

Add foliage and flower interest to the landscape with this reliable maintenance-free shrub. Steel blue foliage contrasts beautifully with sunburst bright yellow summer flowers. Use in a mixed border, massed along a slope or as a foundation planting.

Hardy in zones 4-7, full sun, 2-3’ tall, deer resistant

yellow potentilla29. Potentilla

Happy Face® Yellow Potentilla

Yellow garden flowers on this hardy carefree shrub add multi-seasonal interest even in the coldest regions. Extra-large strawberry-like flowers bloom nonstop from spring to frost. Use along a foundation, in mixed borders or mass plantings.

Hardy in zones 2-7, part sun to sun, 2-3’ tall, deer resistant

yellow rose30. Landscape Rose

Oso Easy Lemon Zest® Rosa

For carefree color in the landscape, nothing beats Oso Easy roses. This sturdy shrub has pretty yellow roses that stand out against the glossy green foliage. Single-petaled blooms are fade-resistant and self-cleaning. Disease-resistant and maintenance-free.

Hardy in zones 4-9, full sun, 2-3’ tall

yellow honeysuckle31. Honeysuckle

‘Scentsation’ Lonicera

Add vertical height and intoxicating fragrance to the yard with this showy climbing shrub. Pale lemony yellow flowers bloom from mid spring to late summer, followed by attractive red berries. Train up an arbor, trellis or fence.

Hardy in zones 4-9, full sun, 8-10’ tall, deer resistant

yellow forsythia32. Forsythia

Show Off® Forsythia

These cheerful golden flowers are a sure sign of spring and will brighten up a border or foundation planting. This improved form with a compact habit produces a profusion of flowers up and down the stems.

Hardy in zones 5-8, part sun to sun, 5-6’ tall, deer resistant.

Forsythia Growing Guide

yellow scotch broom33. Scotch Broom

Sister Golden Hair® Cytisus

Not your typical Scotch broom, this elegant weeping form is covered with brilliant yellow pea-like flowers in spring. Plant alongside bulbs such as daffodils and tulips for a dazzling springtime display.

Hardy in zones 5-8, full sun, 12-18” tall, deer resistant


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Want to learn more?

10 Easy Annual Flowers

10 Low Maintenance Plants for Landscapes

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