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Plant growing guide Articles

Showing 41 - 47 of 47.

Roses are obviously beautiful, but notoriously terrifying to care for. We introduce roses that are easier to grow and enjoy! We choose roses with good disease resistance, long bloom times, and self-cleaning natures (goodbye deadheading!). Your garden will look like it’s maintained by professionals. We’ve made a guide to help you garden with confidence and get the most out of your Proven Winners ColorChoice roses.

Heuchera is a versatile perennial, with attractive foliage and bell-shaped flowers. Also known as coral bells, they offer an array of colors and forms, multi-seasonal interest and long bloom time. Grow them in a shade garden or in pots.

Double Play Pink Spirea

Spirea is one of the most commonly used landscape plants, and for good reason. This hardy deciduous shrub has captivating three-season interest, with a graceful habit, attractive foliage and flowers that bloom over a long time. 

Magenta Chiffon rose of Sharon with several blooms on it

For a tropical look, even in cold climates, add rose of Sharon to your yard. This hardy flowering shrub has showy flowers that bloom from midsummer into fall, when most other shrubs are finished for the season.

Panicle hydrangeas – also known as peegee hydrangeas, hardy hydrangeas, and Limelight hydrangeas, are the easiest to grow, most adaptable of all hydrangeas. We like to call them the “black thumb hydrangea” because they are so easy and reliable, they make even people who have no experience (or claim to have a black thumb, which we don’t believe even exists, frankly) look like garden rock stars. So don’t be intimidated by this guide – we created it just to address the myriad questions we get on these popular plants.


Berry Poppins Ilex verticillata winterberry holly

Getting a good looking, colorful winterberry holly is as simple as having the right male....

Buddleia 'Miss Molly' (butterfly bush)

Butterfly bush is hard to beat for sheer flower power. These easy, sun-loving shrubs come in an array of rich colors, bloom continuously from summer to fall, and attract butterflies and hummingbirds by the score.

Updated: March 18, 2021

Showing 41 - 47 of 47.
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