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Longest Blooming Shrubs and Perennials

When creating a colorful garden, perennials and shrubs are often the mainstays that anchor the garden. The plants featured in this article are our longest blooming, stalwart plants. Their blooms will reliably grace your garden. Read on to learn more about these gorgeous plants.

Contributors: Kerry Meyer

Shrubs and perennials are usually a bit more costly than annuals, but they also tend to be some of the most durable plants in our gardens. When selecting shrubs and perennials it makes sense to try and maximize the impact of these plants. While structure and foliage are certainly critical for creating a beautiful garden, the main attraction for most of us are their flowers. If you are looking to maximize the flower power from your shrubs and perennials, the plants showcased here are a great place to start.

The plants listed are all long blooming.  In some cases, we are showcasing a specific plant within a series as being special. That is the case with the Double Play® series of Spirea. The series is great, and they all flower prolifically, but Double Play Doozie® Spirea is extra-long blooming. In other instances, we are showcasing a series of plants rather than a specific variety. Either way, these plants will all help maximize color in your garden for the long haul.



Let’s Dance Can Do!® Reblooming Hydrangea

Oso Easy Peasy® Rose

Bloomerang® Reblooming Lilac series

Steady as she Goes® Gardenia

Perfecto Mundo® Reblooming Azalea series

Double Play Doozie® Spirea

Pugster Pink® Butterfly bush 
Others in this series -  
Pugster® AmethystPugster Pinker®Pugster Blue®
Pugster White® and Pugster Periwinkle®

Happy Face® Potentilla

Sonic Bloom® Weigela series

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