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Panicle hydrangeas – also known as peegee hydrangeas, hardy hydrangeas, and Limelight hydrangeas, are the easiest to grow, most adaptable of all hydrangeas. We like to call them the “black thumb hydrangea” because they are so easy and reliable, they make even people who have no experience (or claim to have a black thumb, which we don’t believe even exists, frankly) look like garden rock stars. So don’t be intimidated by this guide – we created it just to address the myriad questions we get on these popular plants.


Panicle hydrangeas – also known as peegee hydrangeas, hardy hydrangeas, and Limelight hydrangeas, are the easiest to grow, most adaptable of all hydrangeas. We like to call them the “black thumb hydrangea” because they are so easy and reliable, they make even people who have no experience (or claim to have a black thumb, which we don’t believe even exists, frankly) look like garden rock stars. So don’t be intimidated by this guide – we created it just to address the myriad questions we get on these popular plants.

The garden is a constant teacher. What did you learn this year? Here are the lessons from plant enthusiasts just like you.

Does the thought of holiday shopping make you want to pull the blanket over your head until January? Gift giving can be hard on the budget this time of year, but we’ve found five solutions under $30 that every gardener on your list will love. They’re sure to put a little jingle back in your step. The trick is to start now so you won’t be panicked come December. 

Even though you may prefer a nicely air-conditioned house in summer, there are plenty of hardy plants that thrive in the heat outdoors. Let’s take a closer look at ten of our favorites for your hot, dry landscape.

Finding plants that will thrive all summer long in hot, dry climates can be challenging. These plants are great options to consider for your containers and landscape.

You’ve selected a beautiful ornamental grass to add to your landscape. Now, what should you plant with it? Here are ten ideas for perfect pairings.


When ornamental grasses are in their prime in landscapes across North America each fall, questions pour in to our feedback line. Do you have a question about grasses, too? Here’s a list of the most commonly asked questions about their traits, uses and growing conditions.

Yezberry Honey Bunch haskap Proven Winners

Leaves get all the credit for making autumn beautiful, but berries are no slouch at bringing  a whole new range of colors, forms, and interest to the landscape. However, lots of gardeners miss out on the unique feature of berries because the plants that create them don’t look like much when during the prime spring shopping season at garden centers. Here’s your chance to change that! Adding these shrubs that have beautiful fruit to your planting list will ensure an even more colorful autumn next year and beyond.

Think of any spot in your garden and there’s likely an ornamental grass to fit. This versatile group of plants suits all sorts of uses in landscapes and containers, even in water gardens. Though most prefer quite a bit of sunshine, some grasses can handle filtered shade. Let’s take a look at five ways to use ornamental grasses in your garden this season.

Showing 181 - 190 of 467.
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