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Annuals Articles

Showing 21 - 30 of 143.

See which Proven Winners plants are great at drawing butterflies into your garden.

Even if you are living someplace temporarily, you can still grow all sorts of gardens. We'll show you how with this list of ideas.

Looking for ideas on how to style your front porch this season? Find 15 different examples of how we’ve used Proven Winners plants to decorate porches and front landscapes in this inspirational resource.

Our “Super” plants – Supertunia® Petunias, Superbells® Calibrachoa and Superbena® Verbenas are our three of our biggest and best plant categories. These plants have a wide range of colors and work well when grown together and when mixed with a wide variety of other plants. You can plant the rainbow using just these plants. We have hundreds of recipes that showcase at least one our Supers in the recipe. It is not at all uncommon to have mixed planters that feature more than one “Super” in the recipe. These three groups are, in a way, the foundation for many of our recipes.

AquaPots® Smooth White Flat Rim Round  and Tall Canna White Tall

In this article, we’ve gathered all of the tips you’ll need to know about growing petunias, calibrachoa and verbena in your containers and landscape all in one convenient place. Check it out, then bookmark the page for future reference.

Looking to add more native plants that will help support the birds who call your garden home? This is a great place to start.

Pick your perfect houseplant

Houseplants, like people, have unique personalities and needs. Some are easy-going and can live anywhere. Some thrive on a schedule. Others are stubborn and dramatic when they don’t get their way or their water.

leafjoy® by Proven Winners understands that plants flourish when adopted by plant parents whose personalities and attentiveness align with their needs.   

Half of the fun of growing your own fruits, veggies and herbs is the stellar flavor you get from them. The other half of the fun is wowing your friends and family with the yummy food you’ve whipped up with your bounty. These 15 recipes feature our Proven Harvest plants as ingredients. Fresh produce elevates even simple recipes to new heights.

Is there a low spot in your yard where water tends to pool for a day or more after a big rain? We’ll share a number of solutions that will help prevent flooding, redirect runoff or soak up the excess in this helpful article.

Some of the most beautiful gardens in the world are planted with a wide range of colors, from warm reds to cool blues and everything in between. Have you ever thought about trying to plant a garden bed that used every color of the rainbow? Officially, those colors are known as ROYGBIV on the spectrum—that stands for red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. It might be fun to try!


We’ll help you get started using the ideas for each color below. We have plant lists compiled for every one in the rainbow. Tap the links within each color category to explore further. If you’d prefer a more limited color palette, simply pick your favorites below and get started.

Showing 21 - 30 of 143.
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