It’s a common reality these days. Our summers seem like they get hotter and drier each year, don’t they? Yet we still want to have beautiful, colorful plants in our garde
A Star is Born - Annuals
New plants are the life's blood of any plant company and our outstanding new varieties are sure to find homes in your garden.
Kerry Meyer
Beautiful Bicolored Blooms
Flowers come in many colors and many forms. One often overlooked type are flowers that feature more than one color. These Bicolored blooms can be a great addition to any garden.
Kerry Meyer
Flowers come in many colors and many forms. One often overlooked type are flowers that feature more than one color. Bicolor blooms come in a myriad of types and in almost every color under the rainbow. They can sport an eye that contrasts to the petal edges, stripes, one color grading into another or a petal edge that contrasts with the main flower color, just to name a few.&n
Shade - The "Good" Stuff
Learn about plants that can be used in shade gardens.
Kerry Meyer
This article completes our series on shade gardening, at least for now.
What a Vista!
Learn what makes the three Supertunia®Vista Petunias so special.
Kerry Meyer
New plants are introduced in what seems to be ever increasing numbers. It can leave a gardener wondering if it is really necessary to have 50 new marigolds or 100 new petunias added in one year. I have to admit that sometimes one marigold or petunia is as good as the next. BUT, sometimes a petunia isn’t just another petunia. Sometimes you get something so outstanding it